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To preset parameters such as spatialCoordsNames, gene_col, cell_col, and phred_col that are standard for the output of the technology.


  tech = c("Vizgen", "Xenium", "CosMX"),
  dest = c("rowGeometry", "colGeometry"),
  z = "all",
  min_phred = 20,
  split_cell_comps = FALSE,
  z_option = c("3d", "split"),
  flip = FALSE,
  file_out = NULL,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
  return = TRUE

  sample_id = 1L,
  tech = c("Vizgen", "Xenium", "CosMX"),
  z = "all",
  min_phred = 20,
  split_cell_comps = FALSE,
  z_option = c("3d", "split"),
  flip = FALSE,
  file_out = NULL,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam()



Top level output directory.


Which technology whose output to read, must be one of "Vizgen", "Xenium", or "CosMX" though more technologies may be added later.


Where in the SFE object to store the spot geometries. This affects how the data is processed. Options:


All spots for each gene will be a `MULTIPOINT` geometry, regardless of whether they are in cells or which cells they are assigned to.


The spots for each gene assigned to a cell of interest will be a `MULTIPOINT` geometry; since the gene count matrix is sparse, the geometries are NOT returned to memory.


Which z-planes to read. Always "all" for Xenium where the z coordinates are not discrete.


Minimum Phred score to keep spot. By default 20, the conventional threshold indicating "acceptable", meaning that there's 1 chance that the spot was decoded in error.


Only relevant to CosMX whose transcript spot file assigns the spots to cell components. Setting this argument to TRUE


What to do with z coordinates. "3d" is to construct 3D geometries. "split" is to create a separate 2D geometry for each z-plane so geometric operations are fully supported but some data wrangling is required to perform 3D analyses. When the z coordinates are not integers, 3D geometries will always be constructed since there are no z-planes to speak of. This argument does not apply when `spatialCoordsNames` has length 2.


Logical, whether to flip the geometry to match image. Here the y coordinates are simply set to -y, so the original bounding box is not preserved. This is consistent with readVizgen and readXenium.


Name of file to save the geometry or raster to disk. Especially when the geometries are so large that it's unwieldy to load everything into memory. If this file (or directory for multiple files) already exists, then the existing file(s) will be read, skipping the processing. When writing the file, extensions supplied are ignored and extensions are determined based on `dest`.


BiocParallelParam object to specify multithreading to convert raw char in some parquet files to R objects. Not used otherwise.


Logical, whether to return the geometries in memory. This does not depend on whether the geometries are written to file. Always `FALSE` when `dest = "colGeometry"`.


A `SpatialFeatureExperiment` object.


Which sample in the SFE object the transcript spots should be added to.


The `sf` data frame, or path to file where geometries are written if `return = FALSE`.


fp <- tempdir()
dir_use <- XeniumOutput("v2", file_path = file.path(fp, "xenium_test"))
#> see ?SFEData and browseVignettes('SFEData') for documentation
#> downloading 1 resources
#> retrieving 1 resource
#> loading from cache
#> The downloaded files are in /tmp/RtmpRqe7ue/xenium_test/xenium2 
fn_tx <- formatTxTech(dir_use, tech = "Xenium", flip = TRUE, return = FALSE,
                      file_out = file.path(dir_use, "tx_spots.parquet"))
#> >>> Converting transcript spots to geometry
#> >>> Writing reformatted transcript spots to disk