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This function reads the standard CosMX output into an SFE object, as in "Basic Data Files" on the Nanostring website.


  z = "all",
  sample_id = "sample01",
  add_molecules = FALSE,
  split_cell_comps = FALSE,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
  file_out = file.path(data_dir, "tx_spots.parquet"),
  z_option = c("3d", "split")



Top level output directory.


Integer z index or "all" to indicate which z-planes to read for the transcript spots.


A character sample identifier, which matches the sample_id in imgData. The sample_id will also be stored in a new column in colData, if not already present. Default = sample01.


Logical, whether to add transcripts coordinates to an object.


Logical, whether to split transcript spot geometries by cell compartment. Only relevant when `add_molecules = TRUE`.


A BiocParallelParam object specifying parallel processing backend and number of threads to use for parallelizable tasks:

  1. To load cell segmentation from HDF5 files from different fields of view (FOVs) with multiple cores. A progress bar can be configured in the BiocParallelParam object. When there are numerous FOVs, reading in the geometries can be time consuming, so we recommend using a server and larger number of threads. This argument is not used if use_cellpose = TRUE and the parquet file is present.

  2. To get the largest piece and see if it's larger than min_area when there are multiple pieces in the cell segmentation for one cell.


Name of file to save the geometry or raster to disk. Especially when the geometries are so large that it's unwieldy to load everything into memory. If this file (or directory for multiple files) already exists, then the existing file(s) will be read, skipping the processing. When writing the file, extensions supplied are ignored and extensions are determined based on `dest`.


What to do with z coordinates. "3d" is to construct 3D geometries. "split" is to create a separate 2D geometry for each z-plane so geometric operations are fully supported but some data wrangling is required to perform 3D analyses. When the z coordinates are not integers, 3D geometries will always be constructed since there are no z-planes to speak of. This argument does not apply when `spatialCoordsNames` has length 2.


An SFE object. Cell polygons are written to `cell_boundaries_sf.parquet` in `data_dir`. If reading transcript spots (`add_molecules = TRUE`), then the reformatted transcript spots are saved to file specified in the `file_out` argument, which is by default `tx_spots.parquet` in the same directory as the rest of the data.


fp <- tempdir()
dir_use <- SFEData::CosMXOutput(file_path = file.path(fp, "cosmx_test"))
#> see ?SFEData and browseVignettes('SFEData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> The downloaded files are in /tmp/RtmpRqe7ue/cosmx_test/cosmx 
sfe <- readCosMX(dir_use, z = "all", add_molecules = TRUE)
#> >>> Constructing cell polygons
#> >>> Reading transcript coordinates
#> >>> Converting transcript spots to geometry
#> >>> Writing reformatted transcript spots to disk
# Clean up
unlink(dir_use, recursive = TRUE)