Starting with a genome and a genome annotation a transcriptome index can be built with kallisto via kb ref. This allows flexibility in building a transcriptomes from genomes and associated genome annotations. In addition kb ref can be used to download pre-built indices:
$ kb ref
usage: kb ref [-h] [--tmp TMP] [--keep-tmp] [--verbose] -i INDEX -g T2G -f1
FASTA [-f2 FASTA] [-c1 T2C] [-c2 T2C] [-n N]
[-d {human,mouse,linnarsson}] [-k K]
[--workflow {standard,lamanno,nucleus,kite}] [--lamanno]
fasta gtf [feature]
Build a kallisto index and transcript-to-gene mapping
positional arguments:
fasta Genomic FASTA file(s), comma-delimited
gtf Reference GTF file(s), comma-delimited
feature [`kite` workflow only] Path to TSV containing barcodes
and feature names.
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--tmp TMP Override default temporary directory
--keep-tmp Do not delete the tmp directory
--verbose Print debugging information
-n N Number of files to split the index into. If this
option is specified, the FASTA that is normally used
to create an index is split into `N` approximately-
equal parts. Each of these FASTAs are indexed
-d {human,mouse,linnarsson}
Download a pre-built kallisto index (along with all
necessary files) instead of building it locally
-k K Use this option to override the k-mer length of the
index. Usually, the k-mer length automatically
calculated by `kb` provides the best results.
--workflow {standard,lamanno,nucleus,kite}
Type of workflow to prepare files for. Use `lamanno`
for RNA velocity based on La Manno et al. 2018 logic.
Use `nucleus` for RNA velocity on single-nucleus RNA-
seq reads. Use `kite` for feature barcoding. (default:
--lamanno Deprecated. Use `--workflow lamanno` instead.
--overwrite Overwrite existing kallisto index
required arguments:
-i INDEX Path to the kallisto index to be constructed. If `-n`
is also specified, this is the prefix for the n
indices to construct.
-g T2G Path to transcript-to-gene mapping to be generated
-f1 FASTA [Optional with -d] Path to the cDNA FASTA (lamanno,
nucleus) or mismatch FASTA (kite) to be generated
required arguments for `lamanno` and `nucleus` workflows:
-f2 FASTA Path to the intron FASTA to be generated
-c1 T2C Path to generate cDNA transcripts-to-capture
-c2 T2C Path to generate intron transcripts-to-capture