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Spatially informed dimension reduction is actually not new, and dates back to at least 1985, with Wartenberg’s crossover of Moran’s I and PCA (Wartenberg 1985), which was generalized and further developed as MULTISPATI PCA (Dray, Saïd, and Débias 2008), implemented in the adespatial package on CRAN. In short, while PCA tries to maximize the variance explained by each PC, MULTISPATI maximizes the product of Moran’s I and variance explained. Also, while all the eigenvalues from PCA are non-negative, because the covariance matrix is positive semidefinite, MULTISPATI can give negative eigenvalues, which represent negative spatial autocorrelation, which can be present and interesting but is not as common as positive spatial autocorrelation and is often masked by the latter (Griffith 2019).

In single cell -omics conventions, let XX denote a gene count matrix whose columns are cells or Visium spots and whose rows are genes, with nn columns. Let WW denote the row normalized n×nn\times n adjacency matrix of the spatial neighborhood graph of the cells or Visium spots, which does not have to be symmetric. MULTISPATI diagonalizes a symmetric matrix

H=12nX(Wt+W)Xt H = \frac 1 {2n} X(W^t+W)X^t

However, the implementation in adespatial is more general and can be used for other multivariate analyses in the duality diagram paradigm, such as correspondence analysis; the equation above is simplified just for PCA, without having to introduce the duality diagram here.

Voyager 1.2.0 (Bioconductor release) has a much faster implementation of MULTISPATI PCA based on RSpectra. See benchmark here.

Below is a list of vignettes that use MULTISPATI PCA. The links point to the sections that use MULTISPATI PCA. The corresponding Google Colab notebooks are also linked to. The list is sorted by technology.

Vignette Colab Notebook Description
MULTISPATI PCA and negative spatial autocorrelation Colab Notebook Run MULTISPATI PCA on MERFISH mouse liver dataset, and compare the results to those from non-spatial PCA


Dray, Stéphane, Sonia Saïd, and Françis Débias. 2008. “Spatial Ordination of Vegetation Data Using a Generalization of Wartenberg’s Multivariate Spatial Correlation.” J. Veg. Sci. 19 (1): 45–56.
Griffith, Daniel A. 2019. “Negative Spatial Autocorrelation: One of the Most Neglected Concepts in Spatial Statistics.” Stats 2 (3): 388–415.
Wartenberg, Daniel. 1985. “Multivariate Spatial Correlation: A Method for Exploratory Geographical Analysis.” Geogr. Anal. 17 (4): 263–83.