Compute the bounds of Moran's I given spatial neighborhood graph
Values Moran's I can take depends on the spatial neighborhood graph. The
bounds of Moran's I given the graph, C, are given by the minimum and maximum
eigenvalues of the double centered – i.e. subtracting column means and row
means – adjacency matrix \((I - \mathbb{11}^T/n)C(I - \mathbb{11}^T/n)\), where \(\mathbb 1\) is a vector of all 1's.
This implementation follows the implementation in adespatial
and uses
the RSpectra
package to more quickly find only the minimum and maximum
eigenvalues without performing unnecessary work to find the full spectrum as
done in base R's eigen
After double centering, the adjacency matrix is no longer sparse, so this function can take up a lot of memory for larger datasets.
de Jong, P., Sprenger, C., & van Veen, F. (1984). On extreme values of Moran's I and Geary's C. Geographical Analysis, 16(1), 17-24.
# example code
sfe <- McKellarMuscleData("small")
#> see ?SFEData and browseVignettes('SFEData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
g <- findVisiumGraph(sfe)
#> Imin Imax
#> -0.5825787 0.9725069