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Wrapper of automap::autofitVariogram to facilitate computing variograms for multiple genes in SFE objects as an EDA tool. These functions are written to conform to a uniform format for univariate methods to be called internally. These functions are not exported, but the documentation is written to show users the extra arguments to use when alling calculateUnivariate or runUnivariate.


.variogram(x, coords_df, formula = x ~ 1, scale = TRUE, ...)

.variogram_bv(x, y, coords_df, scale = TRUE, map = FALSE, ...)

.cross_variogram(x, y, coords_df, scale = TRUE, ...)

.cross_variogram_map(x, y, coords_df, width, cutoff, scale = TRUE, ...)

.variogram_map(x, coords_df, formula = x ~ 1, width, cutoff, scale = TRUE, ...)



A numeric vector whose variogram is computed.


A sf data frame with the geometry and regressors for variogram modeling.


A formula defining the response vector and (possible) regressors, in case of absence of regressors, use x ~ 1.


Logical, whether to scale x. Defaults to TRUE so the variogram is easier to interpret and is more comparable between features with different magnitudes when the length scale of spatial autocorrelation is of interest.


Other arguments passed to automap::autofitVariogram such as model and variogram such as alpha for anisotropy. Note that gstat does not fit ansotropic models and you will get a warning if you specify alpha. Nevertheless, plotting the empirical anisotropic variograms and comparing them to the variogram fitted to the entire dataset can be a useful EDA tool.


For bivariate, another numeric vector whose variogram is computed.


logical; if TRUE, and cutoff and width are given, a variogram map is returned. This requires package sp. Alternatively, a map can be passed, of class SpatialDataFrameGrid (see sp docs)


the width of subsequent distance intervals into which data point pairs are grouped for semivariance estimates


spatial separation distance up to which point pairs are included in semivariance estimates; as a default, the length of the diagonal of the box spanning the data is divided by three.


An autofitVariogram object.