eXpress “1.5”

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BAMParserFills Fragment objects by parsing an input file in BAM format
BAMWriterWrites Fragment objects back to file in BAM format with per-mapping probabilistic assignments, or by sampling a single mapping based on assignment probabilities
BiasBossKeeps track of sequence-specific and positional bias
BundleKeeps track of a group of targets that have shared ambiguous (multi-mapped) reads
BundleTableKeeps track of the Bundle objects for a given run
CovarTableThe CovarTable is a sparse matrix for storing and updating pairwise covariances between targets
DirectionDetectorKeeps track of the observed fragment directions (forward-reverse or reverse-forward) and whether they are paired or single-end
FragHitThe FragHit struct stores the information for a single fragment alignment
FragmentStores information for all alignments of a single fragment
FrequencyMatrix< T >Frequencymatrix.h express
HaplotypeHandlerKeeps track of sets of transcripts from different chromosomes
HitParamsThe HitParams struct stores likelihood information for a single hit of a fragment
IndelThe Indel struct stores the information for a single insertion or deletion
LengthDistributionLengthdistribution.h express
LibrarianKeeps track of the different library objects for a run
LibraryLibrary.h express
LoggerLogger.cpp express
MapParserMeant to be run as a separate thread from the main processing
MarkovModelUsed to store transition probabilities of a Markov chain based on a nucleotide Sequence, which itself can be probabilistic
MismatchTableUsed to store and update mismatch and indel (error) parameters using a first-order Markov model based on nucleotide and position in a read
ParserAbstract class for implementing a SAMParser or BAMParser
ParseThreadSafetyThe ParseThreadSafety struct stores objects to allow for parsing to safely occur on a separate thread from processing
ReadHitThe ReadHit struct stores information for a single read alignment
RobertsFilterImplements a datastructure to test for repeats of a key with high probability, when repeats are most likely to be nearby
RoundParamsThe RoundParams struct stores the target parameters unique to a given round (iteration) of EM
SAMParserFills Fragment objects by parsing an input in SAM format
SAMWriterWrites Fragment objects back to file in SAM format with per-mapping probabilistic assignments, or by sampling a single mapping based on assignment probabilities
SequenceAbstract class whose implmentations are used to store and access encoded nucleotide sequences
SequenceFwdImplements the Sequence abstract class for storing the forward sequence
SequenceRevImplements the Sequence abstract class for accessing the reverse sequence
SeqWeightTableKeeps track of sequence-specific bias parameters
TargetUsed to store objects for the targets being mapped to
TargetTableUsed to keep track of the Target objects for a run
ThreadSafeFragQueueThe ThreadSafeFragQueue is a threadsafe queue of Fragment pointers
WriterAbstract class for implementing a SAMWriter or BAMWriter
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