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eXpress “1.5”
BAMParser | Fills Fragment objects by parsing an input file in BAM format |
BAMWriter | Writes Fragment objects back to file in BAM format with per-mapping probabilistic assignments, or by sampling a single mapping based on assignment probabilities |
BiasBoss | Keeps track of sequence-specific and positional bias |
Bundle | Keeps track of a group of targets that have shared ambiguous (multi-mapped) reads |
BundleTable | Keeps track of the Bundle objects for a given run |
CovarTable | The CovarTable is a sparse matrix for storing and updating pairwise covariances between targets |
DirectionDetector | Keeps track of the observed fragment directions (forward-reverse or reverse-forward) and whether they are paired or single-end |
FragHit | The FragHit struct stores the information for a single fragment alignment |
Fragment | Stores information for all alignments of a single fragment |
FrequencyMatrix< T > | Frequencymatrix.h express |
HaplotypeHandler | Keeps track of sets of transcripts from different chromosomes |
HitParams | The HitParams struct stores likelihood information for a single hit of a fragment |
Indel | The Indel struct stores the information for a single insertion or deletion |
LengthDistribution | Lengthdistribution.h express |
Librarian | Keeps track of the different library objects for a run |
Library | Library.h express |
Logger | Logger.cpp express |
MapParser | Meant to be run as a separate thread from the main processing |
MarkovModel | Used to store transition probabilities of a Markov chain based on a nucleotide Sequence, which itself can be probabilistic |
MismatchTable | Used to store and update mismatch and indel (error) parameters using a first-order Markov model based on nucleotide and position in a read |
Parser | Abstract class for implementing a SAMParser or BAMParser |
ParseThreadSafety | The ParseThreadSafety struct stores objects to allow for parsing to safely occur on a separate thread from processing |
ReadHit | The ReadHit struct stores information for a single read alignment |
Result | |
RobertsFilter | Implements a datastructure to test for repeats of a key with high probability, when repeats are most likely to be nearby |
RoundParams | The RoundParams struct stores the target parameters unique to a given round (iteration) of EM |
SAMParser | Fills Fragment objects by parsing an input in SAM format |
SAMWriter | Writes Fragment objects back to file in SAM format with per-mapping probabilistic assignments, or by sampling a single mapping based on assignment probabilities |
Sequence | Abstract class whose implmentations are used to store and access encoded nucleotide sequences |
SequenceFwd | Implements the Sequence abstract class for storing the forward sequence |
SequenceRev | Implements the Sequence abstract class for accessing the reverse sequence |
SeqWeightTable | Keeps track of sequence-specific bias parameters |
Target | Used to store objects for the targets being mapped to |
TargetTable | Used to keep track of the Target objects for a run |
ThreadSafeFragQueue | The ThreadSafeFragQueue is a threadsafe queue of Fragment pointers |
Writer | Abstract class for implementing a SAMWriter or BAMWriter |