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gget is a free, open-source command-line tool and Python package that enables efficient querying of genomic databases.

gget consists of a collection of separate but interoperable modules, each designed to facilitate one type of database querying in a single line of code.

NOTE: The databases queried by gget are continuously being updated which sometimes changes their structure. gget modules are tested automatically on a biweekly basis and updated to match new database structures when necessary. If you encounter a problem, please upgrade to the latest gget version using pip install --upgrade gget. If the problem persists, please report the issue.

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gget modules

These are the gget core modules. Click on any module to access detailed documentation.

gget alphafold
Predict 3D protein structure from an amino acid sequence.
gget archs4
What is the expression of my gene in tissue X?
gget bgee
Find all orthologs of a gene.
gget blast
BLAST a nucleotide or amino acid sequence.
gget blat
Find the genomic location of a nucleotide or amino acid sequence.
gget cbio
Explore a gene's expression in the specified cancers.
gget cellxgene
Get ready-to-use single-cell RNA seq count matrices from certain tissues/ diseases/ etc.
gget cosmic
Search for genes, mutations, and other factors associated with certain cancers.
gget diamond
Align amino acid sequences to a reference.
gget elm
Find protein interaction domains and functions in an amino acid sequence.
gget enrichr
Check if a list of genes is associated with a specific celltype/ pathway/ disease/ etc.
gget info
Fetch all of the information associated with an Ensembl ID.
gget muscle
Align multiple nucleotide or amino acid sequences to each other.
gget mutate
Mutate nucleotide sequences based on specified mutations.
gget opentargets
Explore which diseases and drugs a gene is associated with.
gget pdb
Fetch data from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) based on a PDB ID.
gget ref
Get reference genomes from Ensembl.
gget search
Find Ensembl IDs associated with the specified search word.
gget seq
Fetch the nucleotide or amino acid sequence of a gene.

If you use gget in a publication, please cite*:

Luebbert, L., & Pachter, L. (2023). Efficient querying of genomic reference databases with gget. Bioinformatics.

Read the article here:

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