✨ What's new

Version ≥ 0.29.1 (XXX):

  • gget mutate:
    • gget mutate has been simplified to focus on taking as input a list of mutations and associated reference genome with corresponding annotation information, and produce as output the sequences with the mutation incorporated and a short region of surrounding context. For the full functionality of the previous version and how it integrates in the context of a novel variant screening pipeline, visit the varseek repository being developed by members of the gget team at https://github.com/pachterlab/varseek.git.
    • Added additional information to returned data frames as described here: https://github.com/pachterlab/gget/pull/169
  • gget cosmic:
    new arguments email and password were added to allow the user to manually enter their login credentials without required input for data download.
  • gget bgee:
    type="orthologs" is now the default, removing the need to specify the type argument when calling orthologs
  • gget diamond:
    Now supports translated alignment of nucleotide sequences to amino acid reference sequences using the --translated flag.
  • gget elm:
    Improved server error handling.

Version ≥ 0.29.0 (Sep 25, 2024):

  • New modules:
  • gget enrichr now also supports species other than human and mouse (fly, yeast, worm, and fish) via modEnrichR
  • gget mutate:
    gget mutate will now merge identical sequences in the final file by default. Mutation creation was vectorized to decrease runtime. Improved flanking sequence check for non-substitution mutations to make sure no wildtype kmer is retained in the mutation-containing sequence. Addition of several new arguments to customize sequence generation and output.
  • gget cosmic:
    Added support for targeted as well as gene screens. The CSV file created for gget mutate now also contains protein mutation info.
  • gget ref:
    Added out file option.
  • gget info and gget seq:
    Switched to Ensembl POST API to increase speed (nothing changes in front end).
  • Other "behind the scenes" changes:

Version ≥ 0.28.6 (Jun 2, 2024):

  • New module: gget mutate
  • gget cosmic: You can now download entire COSMIC databases using the argument download_cosmic argument
  • gget ref: Can now fetch the GRCh37 genome assembly using species='human_grch37'
  • gget search: Adjust access of human data to the structure of Ensembl release 112 (fixes issue 129)

Version ≥ 0.28.5 (May 29, 2024):

  • Yanked due to logging bug in gget.setup("alphafold") + inversion mutations in gget mutate only reverse the string instead of also computing the complementary strand

Version ≥ 0.28.4 (January 31, 2024):

  • gget setup: Fix bug with filepath when running gget.setup("elm") on Windows OS.

Version ≥ 0.28.3 (January 22, 2024):

  • gget search and gget ref now also support fungi 🍄, protists 🌝, and invertebrate metazoa 🐝 🐜 🐌 🐙 (in addition to vertebrates and plants)
  • New module: gget cosmic
  • gget enrichr: Fix duplicate scatter dots in plot when pathway names are duplicated
  • gget elm:
    • Changed ortho results column name 'Ortholog_UniProt_ID' to 'Ortholog_UniProt_Acc' to correctly reflect the column contents, which are UniProt Accessions. 'UniProt ID' was changed to 'UniProt Acc' in the documentation for all gget modules.
    • Changed ortho results column name 'motif_in_query' to 'motif_inside_subject_query_overlap'.
    • Added interaction domain information to results (new columns: "InteractionDomainId", "InteractionDomainDescription", "InteractionDomainName").
    • The regex string for regular expression matches was encapsulated as follows: "(?=(regex))" (instead of directly passing the regex string "regex") to enable capturing all occurrences of a motif when the motif length is variable and there are repeats in the sequence (https://regex101.com/r/HUWLlZ/1).
  • gget setup: Use the out argument to specify a directory the ELM database will be downloaded into. Completes this feature request.
  • gget diamond: The DIAMOND command is now run with --ignore-warnings flag, allowing niche sequences such as amino acid sequences that only contain nucleotide characters and repeated sequences. This is also true for DIAMOND alignments performed within gget elm.
  • gget ref and gget search back-end change: the current Ensembl release is fetched from the new release file on the Ensembl FTP site to avoid errors during uploads of new releases.
  • gget search:
    • FTP link results (--ftp) are saved in txt file format instead of json.
    • Fix URL links to Ensembl gene summary for species with a subspecies name and invertebrates.
  • gget ref:
    • Back-end changes to increase speed
    • New argument: list_iv_species to list all available invertebrate species (can be combined with the release argument to fetch all species available from a specific Ensembl release)

Version ≥ 0.28.2 (November 15, 2023):

  • gget info: Return a logging error message when the NCBI server fails for a reason other than a fetch fail (this is an error on the server side rather than an error with gget)
  • Replace deprecated 'text' argument to find()-type methods whenever used with dependency BeautifulSoup
  • gget elm: Remove false positive and true negative instances from returned results
  • gget elm: Add expand argument

Version ≥ 0.28.0 (November 5, 2023):

Version ≥ 0.27.9 (August 7, 2023):

  • gget enrichr: Use new argument background_list to provide a list of background genes
  • gget search now also searches Ensembl synonyms (in addition to gene descriptions and names) to return more comprehensive search results (thanks to Samuel Klein for the suggestion)

Version ≥ 0.27.8 (July 12, 2023):

  • gget search: Specify the Ensembl release from which information is fetched with new argument -r --release
  • Fixed bug in gget pdb (this bug was introduced in version 0.27.5)

Version ≥ 0.27.7 (May 15, 2023):

Version ≥ 0.27.6 (May 1, 2023) (YANKED due to problems with dependencies -> replaced with version 0.27.7):

Version ≥ 0.27.5 (April 6, 2023):

  • Updated gget search to function correctly with new Pandas version 2.0.0 (released on April 3rd, 2023) as well as older versions of Pandas
  • Updated gget info with new flags uniprot and ncbi which allow turning off results from these databases independently to save runtime (note: flag ensembl_only was deprecated)
  • All gget modules now feature a -q / --quiet (Python: verbose=False) flag to turn off progress information

Version ≥ 0.27.4 (March 19, 2023):

Version ≥ 0.27.3 (March 11, 2023):

  • gget info excludes PDB IDs by default to increase speed (PDB results can be included using flag --pdb / pdb=True).

Version ≥ 0.27.2 (January 1, 2023):

Version ≥ 0.27.0 (December 10, 2022):

  • Updated gget alphafold to match recent changes by DeepMind
  • Updated version number to match gget's creator's age following a long-standing Pachter lab tradition

Version ≥ 0.3.13 (November 11, 2022):

Version ≥ 0.3.12 (November 10, 2022):

  • gget info now also returns subcellular localisation data from UniProt
  • New gget info flag ensembl_only returns only Ensembl results
  • Reduced runtime for gget info and gget seq

Version ≥ 0.3.11 (September 7, 2022):

Version ≥ 0.3.10 (September 2, 2022):

Version ≥ 0.3.9 (August 25, 2022):

Version ≥ 0.3.8 (August 12, 2022):

  • Fixed mysql-connector-python version requirements

Version ≥ 0.3.7 (August 9, 2022):

  • NOTE: The Ensembl FTP site changed its structure on August 8, 2022. Please upgrade to gget version ≥ 0.3.7 if you use gget ref

Version ≥ 0.3.5 (August 6, 2022):

Version ≥ 0.2.6 (July 7, 2022):

  • gget ref now supports plant genomes! 🌱

Version ≥ 0.2.5 (June 30, 2022):

  • NOTE: UniProt changed the structure of their API on June 28, 2022. Please upgrade to gget version ≥ 0.2.5 if you use any of the modules querying data from UniProt (gget info and gget seq).

Version ≥ 0.2.3: (June 26, 2022):

  • JSON is now the default output format for the command-line interface for modules that previously returned data frame (CSV) format by default (the output can be converted to data frame/CSV using flag [-csv][--csv]). Data frame/CSV remains the default output for Jupyter Lab / Google Colab (and can be converted to JSON with json=True).
  • For all modules, the first required argument was converted to a positional argument and should not be named anymore in the command-line, e.g. gget ref -s humangget ref human.
  • gget info: [--expand] is deprecated. The module will now always return all of the available information.
  • Slight changes to the output returned by gget info, including the return of versioned Ensembl IDs.
  • gget info and gget seq now support 🪱 WormBase and 🪰 FlyBase IDs.
  • gget archs4 and gget enrichr now also take Ensembl IDs as input with added flag [-e][--ensembl] (ensembl=True in Jupyter Lab / Google Colab).
  • gget seq argument seqtype was replaced by flag [-t][--translate] (translate=True/False in Jupyter Lab / Google Colab) which will return either nucleotide (False) or amino acid (True) sequences.
  • gget search argument seqtype was renamed to id_type for clarity (still taking the same arguments 'gene' or 'transcript').